Conversion Process

Conversion Process

Conversion Process

We always recommend and install the latest generation LPG Systems.

At Galeadis Technologies, the installation of LPG systems is carried out by specialized and highly trained technicians.

The conversion process is as follows:

  • System selection according to the type of car. The technology differs from vehicle to vehicle depending on the year of the vehicle and the type of engine. The company will recommend the most suitable system for the Vehicle so that it operates flawlessly, providing the greatest possible economy.
  • Selection of a LPG tank so that it does not take up much space in the trunk but at the same time provides the desired autonomy.
  • Study of the placement of the individual components so that they are placed in positions that do not affect the operation of other engine components and do not prevent access by other mechanics in the future.
  • Study of the placement of the fuel lines so that they are fully protected. In many cases, we install additional protective components to achieve the best possible safety.
  • Leak control with special electronic systems to ensure that each point is completely sealed.
  • Finally, we carry out the last and most important stage of the conversion, which is the adjustment of the system. All vehicles are programmed electronically to achieve maximum performance.

All of the above results in cars that use LPG as fuel having exactly the same road behavior as before the conversion.


Each installation is subject to a free re-inspection at 1500 Km to confirm the excellent installation, performance and operation of the conversion.


The most important thing for the proper operation of LPG systems is their proper maintenance. According to the specifications of the manufacturing plants, LPG systems should be serviced every 10,000 – 15,000 Km. The tasks that take place during the service are the replacement of LPG filters, leak checks as well as programming-reprogramming of the system.


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GB Technologies - Galeadis Technologies

Eleftherias 46, Stavroupoli, 56430, Thessaloniki

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